Hello, I am an experienced Geriatric Care Nurse Specialist. I advocate, consult, and navigate older persons through our encumbered system.

I feel strongly that "old age" needs a make-over. We will decline. We will face losses. It is a struggle for most to remain positive during these changes. The emotional awareness at hand may well be depression, something I address with the majority of clients and caregivers.

I encourage you to write about purpose and identity. If a 40 year old goes to an event, s/he may be asked: "Tell me about yourself". Most will start with their identity in their occupation and roll over into discussion of family. When a 65 year old goes to an event, they are asked, "Did you retire yet?" to which the person responds as, "I am a retired (teacher - for example)". At 80 years old... the person is not asked about identity or purpose... if s/he was asked, what would be said? In my view, we all need identity and we all need to feel important, useful, or purposeful.

I appreciate your work.



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Thank you, Jennifer. You make great points! I have written about purpose and identity for Psychology Today and will on substack as well. I also welcome you to share your experiences on here - I am happy to post an article you write. Your expertise will benefit many.

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It would be my pleasure to write an article. Please email me with the particulars if this is not the correct forum for that discussion.


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Hi Jennifer - sorry for the delay - I was sick for about a week. An article that is between 400-1000 words about purpose and/or identity. You are welcome to separate the two and send them separately if you want. You are welcome to write about your experience or something more scholarly.

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